December has been an exciting month that flew by! The most exciting time was Christmas with William. He's such a goofy baby who loves to make people laugh! I can't believe he's 18 months old. He has lots of words, knows his tummy, eyes, ears, month, nose, cheeks, belly button, hands, feet, fingers, toes, knees etc. He's learning his colors and can point to a couple of letters! He can climb anything (and he will!), he runs super fast and has more facial expressions than any child I know.
Anyway, for Christmas this year I decided that since William was going to be getting lots of presents from Grandparents that we would mostly buy presents for a 1 year old boy on the JcPenny angel tree. But we did get William one big present-a new kitchen! Because we spend Christmas on Cape Cod, we gave it to William a few weeks early.
The day after finals were over we packed up the car and headed up to Boston. William loved watching Sesame Street on the way up (Thanks again Grandpa Edward!!) We spent a lovely week on the Cape and in Boston before Christmas. We watched the snow, we went to an indoor playground and we went to the aquarium.
William loved the fish at the aquarium but he loved the circular ramp that goes up three flights even more. He ran down the ramp so quickly that he couldn't stop at the bottom!!
On Christmas Eve Eve we bundled up and went to Edaville. Edaville is an old fashioned children's amusement park. During December they put up over 7 million lights, have a three mile train ride to see them and invite Santa to come. It was below freezing when we went and I think William was the only one of us remotely warm in his snow pants, coat and boots so we skipped the rides. Brrr.. But we did take the train ride which William loved. He kept pointing to all the lights and saying "lights!" Then we went to meet Santa. By this time it was getting late and he was pretty tired so I wasn't really surprised when he decided he didn't really want to meet Santa this year. We didn't push it. We'll try again next year.
William spent the next two days playing with his Uncle Pat. He loves playing with Uncle Pat who doesn't mind running all over the house with him! On Christmas Eve we had a lovely dinner and William, thankfully, went right to bed while the rest of us spent hours (HOURS) wrapping presents. It was worth it the next morning though when William saw the presents for the first time! He was so excited and wanted to jump right in. So he did!
He quickly grasped concept of opening presents and was ripping off paper. The first present he opened was a basketball hoop. He was so excited by the picture on the box that we had trouble getting him to concentrate on the rest of the presents! After finishing opening all the presents Uncle Pat put it together for him. William spent the next couple of hours playing basketball!
We then packed up and went to my Grandmother's house. There was lots of good food and plenty of stairs for William to run up and down. Everyone thought William was adorable but Taylor and I were exhausted from chasing him by the end of the day!
Taylor was supposed to fly home the next day but he got snowed in! So we had him for another day which was wonderful. And I think that catches us up to now. William, Delilah (who also had a wonderful Christmas and got lots of treats!) and I are still on the Cape. We are staying until Monday when we'll drive home.
Taylor has all the pictures so I'll post them when I can!
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