This past weekend we took William to his first Sign and Sing class! It was great fun. William was the most active baby there though. Remind me that some day soon I am going to have to teach him how to sit still! For those of you hoping that I was able to capture video of Taylor actually singing you are out of luck. I will, however, attempt to employ some stealth and record him some day soon.
In other life updates, we (obviously) survived the snow quite well. My other babies, Sampson and Delilah had the toughest time I think. The snow was well above their heads and we (Taylor) had to shovel out a place for them in the yard. Delilah was quite cold and enjoyed wearing the towel when she came back in to warm up!

(Also note, I came downstairs after putting William in his crib for a nap to find Delilah on the table. She climbed up looking for leftover baby food. And got stuck!)
Taylor is doing well. He's having fun with William while I am at class. In fact, Taylor has observed many of William's "firsts" before me! (Which really isn't fair. I spend most of the day with him. William should be sharing these moments with me!) For example, the first time William pulled himself up to a standing position was in the bathtub with Taylor. Blah. At least he did it again for me the next day and now does it ALL the time. (Nowhere is safe! We are going to have to lower the crib.)
William is changing every day. In addition to pulling himself up, he is working on his top two front teeth. One of them is in, the other is lagging behind a bit but should be here soon. His newest habit is flipping himslef on his tummy in the middle of the night. Since it's a little surprising to him and he really doesn't like his tummy and he's tired, he choses to cry until someone rescues him rather than flip himself back. (He flips himself back when he's awake! Why won't he do it when he sleeps?!?)
I am doing well too! School is busy, our social schedule is busy (this week, William and I have had lunch, coffee, swimming and a play group with my Mommy friends!) It was wonderful to have a week home with both Taylor and William! It was nice to see Taylor during the day! Beyond that things are chugging along in the Smith-Chesnik household!