On Thursday, September 27th, Ania Cole was born at 12:44pm! She was two weeks and two days early but a healthy 6lbs 9oz and 18 inches long. A bit smaller than her little brother was when he was born. Taylor and I were completely unprepared for her birth though. We planned to use the weekend to finish cleaning the house, getting down the baby stuff, etc. but at my routine OB appointment on Wednesday we found that I was leaking fluid. We had to go to the hospital and induce that afternoon. Luckily we have a great group of friends who cared for William so Taylor and I were able to go fairly quickly. Ania was not excited about being born and it took a LONG time to start labor. In the meantime, we napped, watched TV, and hung out. The only part that was tough for me was the fact I wasn't allowed to eat. I was starving! Finally on Thursday things began to happen and from the start of real contractions to her birth it actually went fairly quickly.
Ania is totally gorgeous! She is a pretty happy, sleepy baby and we love having her in our family. William is a fantastic big brother and loves holding and cuddling with her!
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