Today, we went to Pablo Miguel's first birthday! Leslie and Pablo Miguel have a wonderful backyard and had a great party to celebrate his birthday. William loved running around in the grass. The yard was just slightly sloped and when he found himself walking downhill, William would start going faster and faster and it was pretty clear he didn't know how to stop!! He had to run to a chair to slow down. It was hilarious.
Check out the cake above! Leslie's Mom decorated and made it all on her own. It was delicious and beautiful. (She also made amazing tamales and papusas!)
Adorable baby and happy Mom! Happy Birthday Pablo Miguel!

It will be William's turn to eat cake soon.

But in the meantime he can play with Tyler!

William toddled away from Taylor and me to go play with this all by himself. He's so independent!

I know I've said it before, but William is always moving! He's such an active joy. Yesterday, we had my friend Mimi and her daughter, Lila over. Lila and William are going to be hosting their birthday together because they are only two days apart!! While Mimi and I planned the party, William and Lila played with ALL of the toys. They were so cute, passing them back and forth. Bopping each other with blocks. And walking (or crawling for Lila) all over the house! By the time Mimi and Lila left, William was exhausted from running room to room

I wish I had pictures of Lila and William playing together but Mimi and I were so busy planning that I didn't get a chance to pull out the camera. Next time!
William also has a new skill! He stacks all the cups together in order during bath time!